Thursday, January 29, 2009

Britney Spears Is Tight But Can She Perform?

Britney Spears Is Tight But Can She Perform? Britney Spears Is Tight But Can She Perform? Britney Spears Is Tight But Can She Perform?
Britney Spears Is Tight But Can She Perform? Britney Spears Is Tight But Can She Perform? Britney Spears Is Tight But Can She Perform?
Britney Spears Is Tight But Can She Perform? Britney Spears Is Tight But Can She Perform?
Here are some Britney Spears tour rehearsal pictures. As you can see, Britney has definitely got herself back into shape. Yes, those are abs that we see. I’m impressed. Let’s hope she can learn how to dance all over again because her last few TV appearances promoting the new album she had two left feet and no matter how hot a chick looks, if they can’t dance, they don’t perform well… in bed. And that’s what’s really important when it all boils down.

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